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Mount Mercy Academy’s Scholarship Program

90% of our Mount Mercy Academy students depend on scholarship assistance to attend Mercy. Your support of the scholarship program allows Mount Mercy to educate as many young women as possible.

Because of the generosity of our loyal supporters, we are able to offer several funded scholarships.. The criteria for these scholarships is determined by the respective benefactors. Many are need-based and these students are selected by Mount Mercy Academy’s Scholarship Committee.

For information about starting a scholarship in Honor or in Memory of a loved one at Mount Mercy Academy please contact

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Catherine A. Luhr

In 2017, Sara Mehltretter Drury ‘01 started the Catherine A. Luhr Scholarship at Mount Mercy Academy in honor of Catherine. She created this award in recognition for all that Miss Luhr had done for her and so many other students.
Over the years, this scholarship has provided a life changing experience for many young women at Mount Mercy. If you would like to help us continue to honor Catherine’s legacy and provide assistance to students in need, who are involved in Oratory and Debate. Thank you to all of our generous donors!

Mount Mercy Academy was devastated upon receiving the news of the passing of Catherine Adair Luhr. Catherine was a beloved administrator, teacher, friend and confidant to countless members of the Mount Mercy Academy community. We are heartbroken over this unfathomable loss as she has touched the lives of so many through her decades of service to students, faculty and staff, parents and community members. Her legacy will forever live on in our hearts and at Mount Mercy.


Sharing Memories of Catherine Luhr

“Miss Luhr was a source of Mercy spirit, female strength and had the best sense of humor. She will be greatly missed.”

“Her classroom always felt like home. She was so welcoming and joyful.”

“Miss Luhr was an amazing teacher that impacted not only my 2 girls' education but their personal lives as well. She was much more than a teacher to them. She felt like a part of our family and made so many memories on amazing school trips with the girls. She shared their successes and disappointments and encouraged them to believe in themselves. She loved my kids like her own and I truly wish every child to have at least one teacher like her in their life. She was an angel on earth.”

“One of my favorites at Mount Mercy. I loved her, she always would start out her class by giving us some insight to what was going to happen on General Hospital (her sister was a writer). She was strict, sarcastic and would always listen. I hope I make her proud as a teacher myself.”

“I remember my time at Mercy fondly, predominantly because of Ms. Luhr. I loved getting kicked out of Spanish class and sent to her office- those conversations full of wisdom and laughter, are memories I will always cherish. She was a force to be reckoned with and a role model for so many Mercy girls.”

“Miss Luhr was a source of Mercy spirit, female strength and had the best sense of humor. She will be greatly missed.”

"Forever grateful to Miss Luhr for helping me find my voice!"

The outpouring of memories and stories, former students recalling the impact Catherine made on their lives, and the reminiscing about her quick wit, one liners and amazing story telling, have all been unbelievable. She was truly one of a kind! Catherine Luhr was an amazing educator, coach, colleague, sister and friend. And wherever a beautiful soul has been, there has been a trail of memories.

“The Mercy community is devastated by the recent passing of Miss Catherine Luhr. This loss is felt by all those who she has touched over the last 4 decades. Her legacy will forever live on in our hearts and she will undoubtedly be remembered for her years of dedication to Mount Mercy Academy”. - Michele Sixt Melligan ‘92, Mount Mercy Academy Head of School

“We will miss you, thank you for showing me that I had a voice especially during Speech and Debate. She was so funny and always had the best quotes.”

“The Best Coach that EVER lived- The woman would pick me up at 5 am almost every weekend in high-school for Speech & Debate because I didn't have a way there. She took me under her wing and put me in front of so many opportunities. Every door that she could open for me, she kicked open. Oh, I miss that woman.”

“My very favorite teacher. We were lucky to have her as our Global teacher in 9th grade and then again senior year. I loved her humor, knowledge, love of the Brady Bunch and the way she treated me like I had something important to say. Whenever I had the pleasure of visiting the Mount I made it a point to find her and say hello.”

Alicia Campbell '90 Scholarship

Beverly A. Leek Scholarship

Bigelow Family Scholarship

Catherine A. Luhr Scholarship

Catherine Murphy Family Scholarship

Class of '70 Scholarship in Memory of All Deceased Classmates

Collins Sisters Scholarship

Cosgrove Women of Mercy Scholarship

David and Dorothy Borchard Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Julia M. Cullen Scholarship Award

Eileen Crotty Connors Memorial Award

Elaine Ridder Bonacci and Deacon Anthony C. Bonacci Scholarship

Ellen Plunkett Memorial Award

Erin’s Smile Fund (Erin Murphy Scholarship)

Estate of Anna G. O'Brien Award

Hauser Rauber Scholarship

Heather Ann Schwabl Memorial Scholarship

Helen Hammond Award

Hempling Award for Values and Service

Irene Recktenwalt Award

Jack Donohue Memorial Award

Jeanne & Mary Belle Pettys Memorial Award

Karen Ann Talty and Maureen Talty Franz Memorial Scholarship

Karen Kwiatkowski Memorial Award

Kathleen A. Castle Ring Scholarship Fund

Kathleen G. Kearns Award

Kathleen McCarthy White Memorial Scholarship

Kathleen Michaels Gronborg Award

Kathleen Ottos Barone Memorial Scholarship

Kathleen Romance Memorial Award

Madonna and Gerald Gawronski Scholarship Fund

Margaret Hunt Lyons Scholarship

Mary C. Paladino Scholarship

Matthew Colpoys, Sr. Scholarship

Miss Evelyn Kruse Award

Molly Finucane DeZastro Memorial Scholarship

Msgr. Dino Lorenzetti Award

Paul and Ann Moran Scholarship

Rola Sieckmann Family Scholarship

Rosemary O'Connor Lawley Memorial Scholarship

Rosemary Twist Scholarship

Sherry Family Scholarship

Sister Assunta & Nancy Ann Thorne Award

Sister Clare Powers Award

Sister Mary Alvaretta Memorial Award

Sister Mary Eloise & Paracleta Award

Sister Mercedes Fox Scholarship

Sister Sally A. Walz, RSM Scholarship

St. Barbara Scholarship Fund

The Legacy Scholarship 

The Mary Ellen Burke Whelan Scholarship

The Schwartzott Family Scholarship

The Vincent and Harriet Palisano Foundation Scholarship

Walz Family Scholarship Fund

The following are current scholarships at Mount Mercy Academy. 

To donate to any of these please click here:

Our Mission

Rooted in Catholic identity and the charism of Catherine McAuley, Mount Mercy Academy advances cultural growth, fosters belonging, and respects the dignity of every individual. We empower young women to pursue their fullest potential, achieve academic excellence, serve with compassion, and lead with integrity in a global community.
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 Mount Mercy Academy

88 Red Jacket Parkway

Buffalo, NY 14220

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